Transponder Keys: Problems and Issues
Transponder keys are specialized vehicle keys that help prevent vehicle thefts. If you purchased or own a vehicle that was made sometime after the mid-1990s, then it is likely that you have a transponder key that goes with it. While transponder keys are function and work great most of the time, occasionally you may experience issues with your transponder key that will need to be addressed. The following article will explain more about how transponder keys work, as well as potential problems that may occur with your transponder key and how to get yours replaced.
How They Operate
First, let’s discuss how transponder keys work. Transponder keys operate through an electronic microchip system. There are two parts to this system, the first being the chip embedded in the head of the transponder key itself, and the other sits inside of your vehicle. Through a radio frequency signal, the two chips “talk” to one another and allow the vehicle to start once a clear signal has been established. A driver must have the proper transponder key for their vehicle with a clear signal in order for the car to start.
Each transponder key and the corresponding signal that is emitted from inside the vehicle is completely unique to that car. The transponder signal adds an extra layer of security to one’s car. Vehicle’s that are outfitted with transponder keys cannot be hot-wired and stolen. This is the primary reason why transponder keys were invented in the first place. Unless the proper key is present and a signal is established, the vehicle will not start.
Now, let’s move on and go over some problems that can arise when you own a transponder key. Because of the nature of the chips inside of the keys themselves, as well as inside of the vehicle, even the slightest bit of damage may cause your transponder key to stop working. Any time you are not able to get your vehicle started with your key, it is likely that you may be experiencing one of the problems described below.
Problem #1 – Broken Key Chip
The first problem may be a broken key chip. The chip inside of your key can become damaged, knocked out of place, or simply wear out over time. When this happens, you will not be able to start your vehicle. Even if the chip inside of the car may be working fine and there is no visible, external damage to the key, a broken key chip will mean that you will be out of luck when it comes to getting your vehicle started.
Problem #2 – Broken Vehicle Signal
It is also possible that the root of the problem is coming from inside of your vehicle. This may be impossible to tell for sure without the help of the professional. If you have been in a car accident of any kind recently or experienced damage to your vehicle, these instances can affect the internal mechanisms of your car, including the transponder signal.
Problem #3 – Lost Transponder Key
A lost transponder key presents a problem because you will not be able to use just any spare key. Transponder keys are specially programmed and connected to one’s vehicle, making it so that a transponder key must be used every time. Any regular vehicle key that you own may be useless when it comes to starting the car, although you may be able to use it to open to trunk or glovebox. Unless you have a spare transponder key, however, any other key for your vehicle will not be able to be used to start or operate it.
Other Potential Issues
Apart from damaged chips either in your key or vehicle, as well as a lost or stolen key, there are a couple of other problems you may experience that may affect the functioning of your transponder key or vehicle.
Manufacturer Recall
If you are having any kind of vehicle trouble, it is important to check if any parts of your vehicle have recently been recalled. Sometimes, checking into any manufacturer recalls can give driver’s an answer to any issues they have been experiencing, as well as the ability to receive replacement parts during a recall at no cost. If the transponder key or other parts have been recalled for your vehicle, be sure to have them replaced as soon as possible.
Blocked Ignition Cylinder
If your vehicle will not start or you are having other similar problems, it is also possible that your ignition cylinder may be to blame. Transponder keys and ignition cylinders work together to get your vehicle started. It can sometimes be difficult to tell what the source of the problem is when it comes to these two parts. If your ignition cylinder is blocked or broken in any way, you may experience similar symptoms to those that present themselves when the transponder signal is not working.
Replace Your Transponder Key Fast!
The best way to receive a fast replacement or fix for your transponder key is to call a mobile locksmith in your area. Mobile locksmiths are able to perform on-site repair and replacement services for transponder keys and other vehicle locksmithing issues. Having a locksmith come to you for a transponder key replacement will save you both time and money. Choosing a mobile locksmith is always the best choice!